Adventure Awaits!


“As she walked along she dramatized the city. There was about it a wild, lawless charm that appealed to a certain wild, lawless strain hidden deep in her nature—the strain of the gypsy and the poet, the genius and the fool.”-L.M. Montgomery

Dream photo sessions are a thing of today. More and more, women across the globe are looking to celebrate their femininity, their victories, themselves in new and exciting ways. Whether you are looking to capture an amazing time in your life or create branding imagery for your business that is like no other, the answer is to book with Boudoir Betty!

For these photo shoots I offer the same incredible service and transformation that I offer here in my photo studio! You get a personal styling consultation to discuss how you envision being photographed, professional hair and makeup artistry, unlimited camera time, and unlimited outfits.  Also included is the deluxe folio box with 20 matted prints and correspnding digital files, a flush mount leather album, and a 30 x 40 gallery wrap!

If you're interested in Personal Branding  we will discuss your business and marketing model in detail prior to your shoot. These sessions are perfect for the women ready to take their business to the next level. It is your time to SHINE. Frankly, it is time to show your audience your best self. There is NO other way to capture the clientele you are after than to SHOW them how professional you are. 

Booking a destination session is easy.  You pay the package price of $4999, book your own travel, and pack your bags!

Dream Destination Sessions are ideal for:

  • Boudoir/Glamour
  • Personal Branding
  • Personal Paparazzi

If this sounds perfect for you, just click the button below to go to my contact form:

Six Sexy Ways to Present Your Boudoir Photos


Make a game of it. 

Birthdays, Holidays, Milestones, Anniversaries, Albums, Gallery Wraps, and Mounted Prints.  Oh my!

So many reasons to do a boudoir session, and so many ways to display the images…but let me give you some ideas on how to present them:

For the couple who wants to spice things up a bit:

Many ladies worry that their significant other may not like the idea of them getting boudoir photos, or feel guilty spending so much money on themselves but consider making a scavenger hunt out of it.  You ask questions such as, “Where is that butterfly tattoo on my body?”  or “Where am I the most ticklish?”  Then we make the answers with the corresponding photos and you hide the clues all over the house until he or she finally gets to you, the grand prize! 

Or you can ditch the scavenger hunt and just place photos in random spots all over the house:  in between the bills, or in a pile of laundry.  It’s also sneaky way to get him or her to help out with the house chores! 

Alternatively, you can make a trail of images leading back to the bedroom.

For the bride or anniversary:

It’s pretty common for ladies to come in and get a session as an anniversary gift. The flush mount albums are a popular choice but I had one client take it a step further.:  She purchased an album but also purchased 10 individual prints. With each photo, she wrote her husband a letter.  She is giving him one letter and print a year until they get to their tenth anniversary.  Then on the tenth anniversary, she is finally giving him the album!  I don’t know how many could wait that long to gift an album but I love the idea!

Or Picture This (pun intended):  You’ve arrived home after a dinner out.  You slip into something sexy and tell your significant other to check the drawer in the nightstand.  In the drawer is the album you made for him or her.

For the Long Distance Lover or Traveling Spouse:  If your partner travels a lot for work, you could put some photos on his or her phone or laptop.  How delicious would it be to surprise him or her with a sexy screensaver?  Just be sure that no one else has access to these devices. 

Just Because: 

Make it a movie night with you as the star.  When you purchase a collection, you get the files on USB in addition to your flush mount album or mounted prints.  This allows you to make a slideshow of your images, which is far more interesting than anything on Netflix!    

Hopefully, these ideas have started the wheels turning in your head.  The presentation can be just as important as the gift itself, but no matter what, you can be sure your significant other will appreciate the gesture.