It’s time for round II of craziest/coolest things clients have ever brought to a session. If you aren’t familiar with Round 1, go HERE.
She’s got a hole in one!
An Irish Kilt: She’s a little bit school girl here, and a whole lot of Irish. I guess you could say she’s got the luck 🍀 of the Irish! Did you know that not all kilts are Scottish? Yep:
Rick the Pickle isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of a boudoir session, but this works! See more from this session HERE.
She was on pointe and this session was one for the books! See more from this session HERE.
She told him exactly what to do with his fireman’s jacket and helmet. 🔥
"“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh” - V for Vendetta
“Game on” she said. I’m pretty sure he didn’t stand a chance.
A Cathedral Veil: Some of my favorite shots ever came from this client and session. There’s just something about oodles of sheer lace.
Boudoir isn’t just about sexy lingerie. It’s about bringing out your personality, your character, and letting you shine in front of my camera!